Category: Uncategorized

Again I break from the usual beer and whisky blogging in the hope you will indulge me again. Not only is the 10th anniversary capoeira event in Bath coming up on the 9th and 10th of march but also someone has kindly made a promotional video for it.

You can tell it wasn’t me who made it as the vid looks great.

Anyone who can make it hope to see you there. If not, just enjoy the video. More info on the event can be found at

Capoeira Event

In a break from Beer and Whisky- For anyone in the Bath UK area there’s a special Capoeira event to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the group in Bath on the 9th and 10th of March 2013.  Capoeira is a great Brazilian mix of martial arts, music and dance. There will be Masters and Instructors from around UK and the rest of the world. There will be demos and classes suitable to all skill levels. So if you can make it, and are interested in Capoeira it would be great to see you there.

More information can be found at

The organiser can be contacted on 07783 59 69 17 or at

No New Articles due to SOPA

I found out about the blackout a bit late in the day, but to do my bit there’s not the planned update today. I may not be American but I recognise SOPA as the ignorant and harmful bullshit that it is.

I urge those of you in the USA to do all you can to strike it down

The Alcohol Aphorist

Holidays huh.

Another short downtime. This time for inevitable holiday family time. I’m taking a few notes though, so should have plenty for my return. Also working on something just a bit different which I hope you will all like. Just waiting for feedback from my trusted fellow tasters and if they give the thumbs up it should be online before new year.

A Slight Delay

Sorry for the lack of updates, my sense of smell has been shot with a minor cold which makes tasting notes somewhat difficult. Back to normal now and updates will resume shortly


Back To Normal Soon


Sorry for sparse updates, been a bit off colour which ruins any attempts at doing tasting. I’ve been making the back catalogue last as long as I could., should be back to normal soon


Hello, been doing a run around Belgium past week, sorry for the lack of updates. Found a damn near beer Mecca in Gent and brought back some nice oddities, and have a good wodge of tasting notes backed up for you all.

Proper updates will resume soon, just sorting the comments section.

UPDATE: Since the event has now passed, anyone interested in Capoeira in bath should check out the link on the right hand side of this blog to the Bath Capoeira web page, this will have the latest information on upcoming events.


Something a bit different

There’s an amazing Capoeira event in Bath this year, I’ve been to the past years and they are always full of energy and axé, with masters of the art turning up. There will be demonstrations, rodas, a reggae night and lots more. Every day tends to be packed to the gills with events to take part in.

For those who don’t know, Capoeira is a Brazilian art which mixes dance, martial arts, music and self expression. It’s amazing to watch, and even better to be part of. So if anyone will be in the area, be it experienced Caporistas, or just interested newcomers, come along and enjoy.

Facebook page!/event.php?eid=108791272532136

Will Be Back Shortly

Hope you all had a good Christmas, and have a good new year coming up. Got hit a nasty bunch of stuff past week that ruined my ability to taste, then managed to forget to bring all my various cables with me when I did my Christmas travels so Its been a bit quiet around here, but I should be back up within the next week with a Westvleteren Blond tasting, hopefully a new article if I can get it finished, and whatever musings I find York way.

See you all on the flip side


New Updates Soon

Sorry for the lack of updates, my laptop went down hard whilst I was at the Brewdog meet over the weekend. There will be new tasting notes again later today as we resume normal service, and a write up of the Brewdog event probably midweek.


Alcohol and Aphorisms